Who we are
The site https://www.sallberg.at is owned and maintained by Sällberg Technologies e.U., Vöcklabruck, Austria.
Sällberg Technologies e.U. makes every effort to protect your privacy in the web. We have therefore prepared a declaration concerning the use of your personal data. The wording of this declaration may be updated from time to time. You should therefore read it through again when you next visit our website.
Personal data
All data on this page will be treated confidentially by Sällberg Technologies e.U. Sällberg Technologies undertakes to delete personal data as soon as this is expressly requested by the customer. You can ask us to delete any data we have saved at any time, without giving a reason for your request. There is a link to cancel the newsletter free of charge in each issue.
Why do we collect your personal data and what are they used for?
We use the data which you have provided so that we can discharge our obligations to you and provide you with the service you expect from us, such as sending you newsletters. We may use this data for internal market research purposes in isolated cases.
Where can I find out which data have been stored?
You are entitled to contact us in order to find out which personal data have been stored. If these data are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you can demand that they be corrected or deleted.
Where are your data stored and processed? What happens if you decide that you want your data to be deleted?
Your data is stored and processed by Sällberg Technologies e.U., located at Friedrich Schiller-Straße 11, A-4840 Vöcklabruck, Austra, and by our website hosting service provider commissioned by Sällberg Technologies e.U. The service provider is not permitted, without your consent, to pass on any data about you to third parties, to use it for any other purpose or to sell it to third parties. As soon as you inform us that you no longer want your personal data to be stored, this data will be deleted by Sällberg Technologies and by the service providers working on Sällberg Technologies’s behalf.
If you have any further queries concerning privacy, you can also request information on your data by e-mail at the following address: office@sallberg.at or by telephone at the following number: +43 660 4849 960.